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Tagged: SAS Hard Disk RSS

  • VennerCorp 21:16 on April 22, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Data Recovery, , , , , , SAS Hard Disk, , ,   

    Why Is My Hard Disk Not Spinning UP? 

    Why is My Hard Drive Is Not Spinning Up.

    If you’re hard drive does not do anything at all when you power it up – No noise or vibration, it is almost certainly a Circuit Board problem. Luckily of all the different problems that could befall your hard drive; with this issue there is a pretty good chance that your drive could be fixed.

    Why Is My Hard Disk Not Spinning UP?

    Image courtesy of WD

    There are normally 2 main causes for a hard drive to totally die, either a small diode (TVS) has blown up or some other component on the board has failed.

    1. Most circuit boards have two TVS diodes (one for the 5V and one for the 12V incoming power) to protect your drive in the case of a power surge. You can check to see if the TVS diode has gone by checking it with a meter, if it reads around 0 ohms (e.g. an open circuit), is discoloured and or smells it is likely to be the diode. So just remove it from the board and hopefully your drive will come back to life.
    2. If the diodes look ok and they read correct on your meter then something else on the board has gone poof and you will need to change to whole board. If your hard drive is old you can have a look on Ebay and buy a matching drive and swap the main circuit board, Unfortunately if it is a newer drive the circuit board will have a small IC (computer chip)  with a unique code embedded in it, without that code your drive will not work. So you can’t just find a replacement circuit board and swap it over.

    You will need to look on your current board and find the 8 way IC, this will need to be moved to your  replacement board, you can do this yourself or have a chat with your IT company and they should be able to do this for you.

     If your hard disk is a WD (Western Digital) you have a problem, their code is hidden within the main processor and this is very difficult for even a professional to remove.

    For more Tutorials and Hints & Tips check our Hints and Tips section.

    If you would like help with your Device, Computer or Laptop then please contact us or visit our IT Support Page.

  • VennerCorp 11:25 on September 29, 2013 Permalink |
    Tags: , , SAS Hard Disk, ,   

    How Do I Clone A SAS Hard Disk?

    Below are some easy and straight forward instructions to clone your SAS Hard Disk.

    How Do I Clone A SAS Hard Disk?

    image courtesy of WD

    The below instructions assume you are using a windows based machine and use a great little utility called HDD-Raw-Copy-Tool this can be used to create an exact low-level, sector-by-sector device duplication you can clone SATA, IDE, SAS, SCSI, SSD drives, USB sticks, SD, MMC and CompactFlash cards to an img file or to another device..

    Clone your SAS Hard Disk

    • Download the utility from
      • We would recommend you get the standalone version as this means you don’t need to install the program and will run straight from the download.
    • Pop your SAS Hard Disk into your PC or laptop.
    • Start up the program.
    • Highlight your SAS Hard Disk and click continue.
    • Highlight the device you want to copy to, or select if you want to write to an image file.Clone
      • If you want to write to an image file to copy to a SAS Hard Disk at a later date –  Double click on the FILE option and choose the location and name for your image file.
    • Click Continue.
    • You will now get a display showing your previous choices, check them and then double check them – If you write to the wrong drive e.g. Your main hard disk your computer will be very poorly!!
    • Click start.
    • The program will now clone your SAS Hard Disk.SAS Hard Disk Clone



    That is it, you now have a clone or an img file of your SAS Hard Disk. If you created an image file this can now be used to make multiple clones.

    To go the opposite way e.g. Burn an image to SAS Hard Disk, choose an image file in tSAS Hard Disk Clonehe first window and then an SAS Hard Disk in the second.



    If you would like to check out some of our useful Utilities please visit our Internet Utilities page.



    If you would like help with your computer or laptop then please contact us or visit our IT Support Page.


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